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Home > Common Questions > dotloop > Migrate Your dotloop to Google Drive Backup Integrations: A Step-by-Step Guide
Migrate Your dotloop to Google Drive Backup Integrations: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Pause and Delete Your Current Syncs
    • 1.1 Pause Your Sync
    • 1.2 Remove Your Sync
    • 1.3 Manage Other Syncs
  3. Step 2: Remove Google Drive Connection
  4. Step 3: Open the Setup Wizard
  5. Important Note


Before migrating your Google Drive backup, it's crucial to prepare your existing setup for a smooth transition. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to ensure that your new sync setup is successful without any conflicts from previous configurations.

Step 1: Pause and Delete Your Current Syncs

Ensure a clean slate by pausing and removing any existing syncs.

  • 1.1 Pause Your Sync: Find and pause your current sync to avoid any data mishandling.
  • 1.2 Remove Your Sync: Safely remove the paused sync from your system.
  • 1.3 Manage Other Syncs: For any other syncs, visit API Nation Workflows and repeat the pause and remove process.

Step 2: Remove Google Drive Connection

Disconnect from Google Drive to clear the way for a new backup strategy.

Step 3: Open the Setup Wizard

Set up your new backup configuration with ease.

Important Note

Be aware that initiating a new sync will not recognize previously backed-up data. A new folder will be created in your Google Drive for the new backup. By default, this folder will be located under "API Nation" > "dotloop".

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