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Home > Common Questions > dotloop > Migrate Your dotloop to Google Drive Backup Integrations: A Step-by-Step Guide
Migrate Your dotloop to Google Drive Backup Integrations: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Pause and Delete Your Current Syncs
    • 1.1 Pause Your Sync
    • 1.2 Remove Your Sync
    • 1.3 Manage Other Syncs
  3. Step 2: Remove Google Drive Connection
  4. Step 3: Open the Setup Wizard
  5. Important Note


Google has changed the way API services connect to their accounts. This in turn has caused previously connected accounts to no longer work. If you are receiving a message on your workflow indicating you must create a new Google Drive connection, then this guide will provide a step-by-step walkthrough to ensure that your new sync setup is successful without any conflicts from previous configurations.

Step 1: Pause and Delete Your Current Syncs

Ensure a clean slate by pausing and removing any existing syncs.

  • 1.1 Pause Your Sync: Find and pause your current sync to avoid any data mishandling.
  • 1.2 Remove Your Sync: Safely remove the paused sync from your system.
  • 1.3 Manage Other Syncs: For any other syncs, visit API Nation Workflows and repeat the pause and remove process.

Step 2: Remove Google Drive Connection

Disconnect from Google Drive to clear the way for a new backup strategy.

Step 3: Open the Setup Wizard

Set up your new backup configuration with ease.

Important Note

Be aware that initiating a new sync will not recognize previously backed-up data. A new folder will be created in your Google Drive for the new backup. By default, this folder will be located under "API Nation" > "dotloop".

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