Integration Overview
This integration provides users with easy syncing between Lofty and Utility Connect! Once set up, changes to Leads in Lofty will sync to Leads inside Utility Connect. This sync will continue to run automatically and require no user input.
To get started, please see the steps below. Further down the page is a list of fields that this integration will sync betwen Utility Connect and Lofty.
Connecting Utility Connect
- Log into API Nation and sign in / create an account.
- Navigate to Utility Connect in the Apps Marketplace.
- Click on "Connections" and then "Add Account".
- Fill out your Utility Connect username, password, and Partner Code on the pop-up.
- If you do not know your Partner Code, please contact the support team for your code.
- Press Connect to complete the process.
Connecting Lofty
- Log into API Nation and sign in / create an account.
- Navigate to Lofty in the Apps Marketplace.
- Click on "Connections" and then "Add Account".
- You will be brought to Lofty - sign-in as needed, and you'll be brought back to API Nation and connected.
Setting up your Workflow
- To set up your Workflow, navigate to the Utility Connect - Lofty page here.
- Click on "Activate" on "Lofty Leads into Utility Connect".
- Select both Accounts that you would like to use as your connection for Lofty and Utility Connect and then press "Select". If you only have one account, just press "Select".
- On the "Review Settings and Start sync" page, select your desired settings. Descriptions for each setting are below each setting. Press "Subscribe" when you are done.
- Add your billing information as necessary, if it hasn't been added to your account yet. After this, you will be brought to your new Workflow.
- Scroll down the page and adjust the Mapping as needed. Mapping allows you to customize which fields from Lofty are chosen when syncing into Utility Connect. A description of Utility Conect fields is as follows, as well as their default selected values. Highlighted fields are highly recommended changes for users to make for the best experience with this integration.
- Participants: A list of fields for any Participants associated with this Lead. This is where Agent data is most heavily stored for other applications, but can be disregarded on the Lofty sync.
- Participant Email: The email of an associated Participant.
- Participant Full Name: The full name of an associated Participant.
- Participant First Name: The first name of an associated Participant.
- Participant Last Name: The last name of an associated Participant.
- Participant Primary Phone: The main phone number of an associated Participant.
- Participant Additional Phones: An additional option if an associated Participant possesses multiple phone numbers.
- Participant Role: The role that identifies this Participant within Utility Connect.
- Participant Photo: An image to help users identify this particpant.
- Participant Notes: Any additional notes that may be helpful in describing this Participant associated with this Lead.
- First Name: The first name of the Lead. By default, syncs from "First name" in Lofty.
- Last Name: The last name of the Lead. By default, syncs from "Lirst name" in Lofty.
- Full Name: The full name of the Lead, combining First and Last names.
- Email: The contact and primary email associated with this Lead. By default, syncs from "Email" in Lofty.
- Additional Emails: Any additional emails possessed by this Lead.
- Primary Phone: The primary phone number associated with this Lead. It is recommended to set this as "Phone" from Lofty.
- Secondary Phone: The secondary phone number associated with this Lead, if applicable. It is recommended to set this as "Second Phone" from Lofty.
- Additional Phone: An additional phone number associated with this Lead, if applicable.
- Address, First Line: The first line of the Lead's address. By default, syncs from "Mailing Street Address" in Lofty.
- Address, Additional Line: The second line of the Lead's address.
- City: The city of the Lead's address. By default, syncs from "Mailing Address City" in Lofty.
- Zip: The Zip code/postal code of the Lead's address. It is recommended to set this as "Mailing Address ZIP" from Lofty.
- State: The State of the Lead's address, if applicable. By default, syncs from "Mailing Address State" in Lofty.
- Property Address: The property of interest for this Lead. It is recommended to set this as "Prpperty Street Address" from Lofty.
- Agent First Name: The first name of the Agent associated with this Lead.
- Agent Last Name: The last name of the Agent associated with this Lead.
- Agent Email: The email of the Agent associated with this Lead.
- Agent Phone: The phone number of the Agent associated with this Lead.
- Agent Role: The role of the Agent for this Lead.
- Agent Photo: A link or file of the Agent for this Lead.
- Agent Notes: A note attached to this Agent - it is an old field that should be left blank.
- Address First Line: An old field that should be left blank.
- Address Additional Line: An old field that should be left blank.
- Old City: An old field that should be left blank.
- Old Zip: An old field that should be left blank.
- Old State: An old field that should be left blank.
- Move-in Date: The date that the Lead plans to move into a purchased property.
- Transaction Type: The type of the Transaction associated with this Lead, such as if it is a Listing-type Transaction. By default, syncs from "Lead Type" in Lofty.
- Transaction Status: The status of the Transaction associated with this Lead. By default, syncs from "Lead Status" in Lofty.
- Participants: A list of fields for any Participants associated with this Lead. This is where Agent data is most heavily stored for other applications, but can be disregarded on the Lofty sync.
Optional - Setting up a Filter
Filters can also be utilized to only allow specific Participants to flow from Lofty to Utility Connect. To set up a Filter like above:
- Press the box that says "No Filter". Select the field that you would like to use as the criteria for the sync.
- Choose your logic statement in the middle box. In order for a Participant to sync, it needs to make this statement equal "True." Common choices include "Contains" or "does not contain".
- Choose your value that completes the statement and acts as the "key" that allows a Lead to pass through.
In the example above, only Participants whose Tags contain "utility connect" will sync over.
Additional Filters can be added by pressing "Advanced mode" and then "Add filter." These will be additional critiera that a Lead has to meet in order to sync (additional locks requiring keys).
There is also an option to add additional rules to the Filter; these are additional "keys" that will allow Leads to pass through.
Still have Questions?
Reach out to our support team at [email protected] and respond to any inquiries as soon as possible.