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Dotloop to Brokermint Integration
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Dotloop to Brokermint Integration

With the integration between dotloop and Brokermint, you can combine two of the most powerful transaction management tools into one seamless machine. Connect dotloop to Brokermint, and your agents can get the transaction rolling with a loop that your team can then manage using Brokermint’s advanced transaction and commission tools.



  • When you create a loop in dotloop, an incoming transaction is automatically created in Brokermint
  • Transactions are assigned to agent present on the loop
  • For loops with multiple agents, transactions are assigned to users who connected the sync
  • Loops are synced to Brokermint every 15 minutes

Why do I need the integration? 

With the integration, agents are easier to onboard and transactions are quicker to process. 


How does it work? 

When creating or modifying a loop in Dotloop, within 15 minutes it will be sent to Brokermint as an Incoming Transaction.

From here, you will be able to accept this incoming transaction within your Brokermint account.


What is required to create an incoming transaction from Dotloop to Brokermint? 


The only requirement to create an incoming transaction is an address for your loop in Dotloop.


How do I access the dotloop integration in Brokermint?

You can access the dotloop integration from the Add-ons page under USER in Brokermint. When there, locate and click the Dotloop tile, for further questions on how to set this up, contact the Brokermint support team here: [email protected] 


How do I sync dotloop to Brokermint? 

Here’s a short video that walks you through syncing dotloop to Brokermint:

How often are loops synced to Brokermint? 

Loops are synced to Brokermint every 15 minutes. 

What fields are sent over? 

The following fields are sent over during the sync:

  • Listing Agent
  • Buying Agent
  • Transaction Type
  • Status
  • Address
  • Purchase Price
  • Acceptance Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Listing Date
  • Closing Date
  • Participants Role

Are documents uploaded to dotloop synced to Brokermint? 

No, the documents are not synced into Brokermint. 

Can I have custom fields from dotloop synced to Brokermint? 

If you want custom fields from dotloop synced to Brokermint, reach out to us with this request. 

What Brokermint permissions do I need to see loops coming in?  

You'll see incoming transactions (loops) assigned to you. Or, if you have the 'can access all company transactions' permission, you’ll see all the incoming transactions.

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