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Showing articles from VRAccountant tag

5.) Configuring VRAccountant: Owner Fees & Commissions

# **Step 5: Configuring VRAccountant: Owner Fees & Commissions** ## **Map owner expenses from your property management software (PMS) to products & services in QuickBooks Online (QBO)** **![][1]** **This section is only applicable if you use two separate QBO company files: one dedicated to owner/trust accounting,…

1.) Preparing your QuickBooks Online (QBO) company file (VRAccountant)

# **Step 1: ****Preparing your QuickBooks Online (QBO) company file** ## A step-by-step guide to configuring your designated trust accounting QBO company file to optimize the VRAccountant workflows. ### Steps #### Step 1: Add a new QuickBooks Online subscription If you haven't already subscribed to a QBO company f…

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