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Showing articles from FAQ tag

Brokermint / Google Calendar FAQ

* What dates from Brokermint am I able to sync to Google Calendar? * How do I setup the integration to only sync my transaction? * What is the difference between a Transaction User and Transaction Contact? * Can I setup the integration to pull dates from transactions I have already closed? * Who is this integrat…

iCloud FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions Why was a contact I added to my iPhone not synced? Our integrations obtain information directly from iCloud. Please check iCloud.com/contacts to ensure the contact exists in your account. If it is listed there, email support@apination.com  with a screenshot of the full contact detail…

dotloop / Brokermint FAQ

* Can I select which statuses for transactions I would like to sync over rather than all? * Which agent will the transaction be assigned to? * Once the transaction has been sent over to Brokermint, what's next? Can I select which statuses for transactions I would like to sync over rather than all? Yes! …

dotloop FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions: * What is the difference between the Google Backup Suite and Dropbox integrations? * How long does it take to sync my data? * Do I still have access to the information once I cancel my subscription with API Nation? * Why don't the Loop URL's work anymore? * How do I only sync from …

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