API Nation
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Showing articles from iCloud tag

iCloud FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions Why was a contact I added to my iPhone not synced? Our integrations obtain information directly from iCloud. Please check iCloud.com/contacts to ensure the contact exists in your account. If it is listed there, email support@apination.com  with a screenshot of the full contact detail…

How to Reconnect your iCloud Account

Summary There may be times that our service may not be able to reach your iCloud account due to it becoming disconnected. When this happens one of the first steps you want to take to correct the issue is to reconnect your iCloud account. Why does this happen? Any time you change or reset your primary Apple…

How To Disconnect iCloud from API Nation and make a new iCloud connection

In some cases the connection to iCloud will need to be refreshed. Here are 2 example of such scenarios: * A sync using the iCloud connector is not performing as expected * You need to replace a connection that has expired Solution: Step 1) Remove the original connection Login to your API Nation account by click…

iCloud - App-Specific Password Expiration

App-Specific Passwords in Apple iCloud Expiration Are you having trouble with your Integration? It may be due to your App-Specific Password expiring. This password allows API Nation to connect to your iCloud. If your Workflows are returning error logs saying that your App Password has expired, please see below for s…

How To Connect iCloud To API Nation

I need to connect my iCloud account to API Nation, how do I go about this? iCloud has a very specific way of connecting to API Nation, they utilize what is called an 'App Specific Password', we'll go over how to connect this below! Here's how to get started: 1.) You'll want to log into your API Nation accoun…

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