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Showing articles from Reconnect tag

How to Reconnect your iCloud Account

Summary There may be times that our service may not be able to reach your iCloud account due to it becoming disconnected. When this happens one of the first steps you want to take to correct the issue is to reconnect your iCloud account. Why does this happen? Any time you change or reset your primary Apple…

How To Reconnect Google Drive

There are some cases where API Nation can have a corrupted connection to Google Drive or does not have enough permission to continue, thus resulting in your workflows not transmitting any data. When this happens, we find that reconnecting your Google Drive account corrects the issue. In order to resolve the issue, p…

How To Connect / Reconnect Your Dotloop Account

Setting up the dotloop integration for the first time? This article will guide you through how to connect your dotloop account to API Nation. Having issues syncing due to your account becoming disconnected? No worries! We have some easy steps for you to follow to reconnect your dotloop account . Connecti…

Google Drive - Insufficient Permission Error

If you are seeing an "Insufficient Permission" message in your Google Drive logs, this is due to our service not having the access required in order to send the files over. Typically this happens when not all permissions were granted at the time of connecting your Google Drive account. In order to resolve the er…

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